Great smiles don’t come easy to everyone. Quite often, teeth need to be straightened or gaps need to be minimized to create the perfect smile. The Invisalign® process provides a user-friendly method to do so without being highly visible. Wearing Invisalign® daily allows you to improve the appearance of your teeth more quickly than using traditional braces, and it is less noticeable. If you are concerned that wearing Invisalign® daily can become problematic, don’t be. As long as you remember to follow your dentist’s instructions and a few tips, you should be able to enjoy wearing Invisalign® daily without any issues at all.
Wearing Invisalign® Daily without Problems: Proper Dental Care
If you want to continue wearing your Invisalign® daily without experiencing any problems, you need to take proper care of your teeth. You should continue brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day, removing your aligners to do so. Maintaining proper oral care is essential to prevent the growth of bacteria on your teeth and below the gum line.
Wearing Invisalign® Daily with Comfort: Cleaning Your Aligners
Since the aligners are easy to remove and place back on, you should have no problems at all keeping them clean. Just use the special Invisalign® cleaning kit or use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste to gently clean them. Rinse with water, and you’re finished. Wearing Invisalign® daily is easy when you keep them clean, because they feel great and don’t cause any type of painful infection.
Wearing Invisalign® Daily: Remove Your Aligners When Eating
Each time you get ready to eat, just remove your aligners before you do. This helps to keep them clean, while also allowing you to enjoy the foods that you love. As a result, you’ll enjoy wearing Invisalign® daily because you won’t experience any restrictions in your day-to-day activities.
Wearing Invisalign® Daily: Enjoy Life
Just because you are wearing Invisalign® aligners daily doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to do the activities that you love. You don’t need to do anything differently. If you play sports requiring a mouth guard, you can still wear one, just take off your aligner first and put it back on later.