The utilization of lasers in dental procedures has brought a number of good things for both the dentist and client. Unlike traditional dental procedures, the use of lasers allows the dentists to perform dental procedures with ease. Clients also prefer this over conventional treatment modalities as it involves fewer shots and likely no stitches.
Hard tissue laser is less traumatic, especially to kids. Naturally, kids are afraid of any procedure that involves the teeth. Through proper orientation and guidance, kids can actually view dental visits as something that is fun. When the need arises for their teeth to be filled or repaired, hard tissue laser treatments are the least invasive procedures currently on the market.
The use of this new technology allows lesser vibrations to be felt while the procedure is done. In traditional dentistry, vibrations are stronger and scary. Hard tissue laser treatments target certain areas of the tooth and not the healthy parts of the tooth.
Teeth are also subjected to less heat. This is the reason why some hard tissue laser patients do not need local anesthesia at all. Aside from this, when laser is used to prepare the teeth for a dental procedure like tooth filling, it creates an ideal bonding surface.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of hard tissue lasers, please contact our team with questions or to book an appointment.